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8 Bit Glory: Civilization II, CivNet

Two of the earliest video games I worked on were Civilization II and CivNet. I was hired at Microprose Software mostly for my drawing skills. It was the mid 90’s. I was so new to the industry they would only let me draw concept art and make texture maps. Here’s some randomness from one of my early game dev sketchbooks. The drawing above the logo is from the back cover of CivNet’s game manual.


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Roadrunners Are Brutal AF

Roadrunner perched atop vanquished reptile has become another recurring theme for me.

Roadrunner VS Lizard

This isn’t an accurate representation of how a roadrunner interacts with a lizard. They’re WAY more brutal. A roadrunner snatches live prey in it’s stabby beak then quickly smashes the unfortunate critter over and over against the hard ground or a nearby solid object until it becomes mushy enough to gulp down.

Roadrunner’s do everything really fast and will attack anything they think they can eat; insects, rodents (including prairie dogs), other birds and reptiles. True fact: they are infamous rattlesnake killers!

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The Klingon ‘High’ Council

I worked for Microprose Software from 1995-1998. We made computer video games.


Several months of that time I spent drawing concept art for the first person shooter game Star Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guard (long-ass title MUST include ALL franchises!). It was a run -n- gun game with Klingons and shit. Here’s a couple roughs from my Star Trek sketchbook: Gowron, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council.

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Mr. Popularity

This is the most popular cartoon I ever drew. Tofu Never ScreamsIt’s been printed and sold thousands of times on shitloads of merchandise. Take time for frivolous tangents, folks.

Thanks to everyone around the world and thank you little cube man…

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