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We Have The Whole Place To Ourselves

The population in this area explodes in the winter months with seasonal residents (snowbirds). They flee back north in the springtime. They can’t take the heat; it’s brutal.

I’m a bonafide desert rat. I don’t mind the heat. After many desert summers you get accustomed to it. Then you start to like it. This desert belongs to me and the critters from June through September. I dig that.MoonStomp

When the heat is raw, the action is easy.

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Danger In The Home!

I’m really more of a dog person. I like cats plenty but I have three dogs that are way too gamey for kitty companionship. Cats are fun to draw, though. They have charisma and are easy to render as characters. I call this one Kill Kitty. I scribbled this while looking at the messed up vintage cat figurine pictured in the small photo. I don’t know the ceramic kitty’s story but you can find Kill Kitty at my Etsy Shop.

Kill Kitty

Kill Kitty Ceramic Model

Here’s the ceramic kitty I used as my reference model. I found this photo somewhere on the internet. Drawing pictures of sculptures is great practice for stylizing anatomical forms.

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Roadrunners Are Brutal AF

Roadrunner perched atop vanquished reptile has become another recurring theme for me.

Roadrunner VS Lizard

This isn’t an accurate representation of how a roadrunner interacts with a lizard. They’re WAY more brutal. A roadrunner snatches live prey in it’s stabby beak then quickly smashes the unfortunate critter over and over against the hard ground or a nearby solid object until it becomes mushy enough to gulp down.

Roadrunner’s do everything really fast and will attack anything they think they can eat; insects, rodents (including prairie dogs), other birds and reptiles. True fact: they are infamous rattlesnake killers!